The zig-zag continues.
From Basalt we took a day trip to Aspen. I've never seen Aspen in the winter, but I can only imagine how fun it would be. Kaleb had that brand new snowboard in the RV and was wishing the ski resorts were still open. What a great area. We played at the skatepark, made a tribute to John Denver, climbed at the gym with pro climber Emily Harrington and ate some of the best pizza ever. Unfortunately Independence Pass didn't open for 2 more days. BOO!

We still had a good 2 weeks before we needed to be back in Vail for Ani's competition. We thought it would be fun to sneak up on Uncle Brian in Colorado Springs. On the way we spent the night in Leadville at 10,000 feet. Of course, it rained the whole time. Lucky for us, we found a little RV park, plugged in and geeked out on almost a whole season of Survivor.
The next day gave us more rain and as we drove over passes we even hit some snow. Ugh!! This was our 2nd time this year in Colorado and even though it was May, we still got snowed on. We stopped at the visitor center to hit them up on free hot coffee and fresh baked cookies. Yummy goodness on a gray day!

We had fun surprising Uncle Brian with our visit. We spent a week with him in "the Springs". And yes, it rained every single day! (our Colorado theme) We still found moments of open sky to enjoy a weekend festival, climb, play in Manitou Springs, find a BMX track to ride around in, and waste dimes and nickles in the penny arcade.
It was almost time to start heading back to Vail. We took a few days getting there to climb some more and get Ani back on the rock and in shape. She was getting excited. We got to Vail early to ensure a good camp spot close to town. We heard there were bear sightings in camp but never got the opportunity to see one of these huge creatures out in the wild. We familiarized ourselves with town, took lots of walks, slack lined in camp and awaited grandma and granpa's arrival.

Hi, I found your blog through famlies on the road. We are thinking about becoming full timers. I don't know anyone who has done this so I am looking for advice. I have 5 kids and wonder about doctor appts or orthodontic appts etc. I'd love to be in touch. We plan to start our new journey in the next couple months. We are shopping for a coach now:) Scary but exciting! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! you can email me at carlsbadryan@aol.com
Doctors?.....Coach?......sorry , cant help.....
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