Bisbee, AZ has been our home for 3 weeks now. The town lies in a valley surrounded by brown mountains covered in arizona walnut trees. On top of one of the local mountains is a white cross. We've been staring at that cross since day 1. We were told there was a trail to the top. Now that we're thinking of venturing on sometime this week, we thought it was time to conquer that hill.

We figured from their house to the top of the mountain is about 2 miles. That would make it 4 miles round trip. And would you believe, Little Miss Avery made it ALL the way up and ALL the way back All by herself. YAY!!!!

You all know by now that our route changes everyday, if not twice a day. Snow and cold lie not that far north. It's been tough on me lately as I "think" I know that when the time comes to settle it won't be this far down. We really want to explore Colorado but not in a motorhome in the dead of winter. April and snow melt seem so far off. So what do you do when in Arizona in Jan? QUARTZSITE, AZ baby! Quarzsite is a small town north of Yuma. Every winter 100,000's of Rv'ers and travelers join up to live on the BLM land that surrounds the town and have a flea market. From what we here so many people come that you can walk around the desert for a month and not see everything. We figure it's a good place to live rent free and meet lots of interesting folks. We'll take the next 3 weeks to explore a bit of Southern New Mexico and zig-zag back through Phoenix and over.
Looks like this is where we'll be spending Christmas. We're excited cause Uncle Brian is coming out to the desert to spend the holiday with us. Hopefully Santa can find us to. Does he slip in through the stove vent?

1 comment:
I love reading your many adventures with your family. My family and I are hoping to become "fulltimers" in the next 2 years...it really takes more planning than I imagined! (plus I would like to get my 6 month old twins out of diapers!) How old was your youngest when you started? Happy Holidays from Oklahoma!
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