It's Saturday. That means No work and No School. What will the Chinchen family do?
Sit at home and relax? For a bit. Get outside and play? Definitely!
It's hot here in Bishop. We knew it would be. But seriously, 103? That's hot. It's been right around 100 since they day we moved here. We've gotten use to it for the most part. I now think a 92 degree day is pleasant. We learned that 6 pm is ideal for rock climbing. We also know that if you want to play in the middle of the day, you have to get above 7000 feet.

I'm not positive how many total miles the hike was. Somewhere around the 4 mile mark. With a bit of elevation gain. And I'm stoked on my kids. No whining. No complaining. Just fun! The older two are great hikers. Avery, it depends on her mood that day. It's amazing to watch her love for the outdoors grow. She admires the mountains daily and tells me how beautiful they are. She's so innocent and so pure. You know the words coming out of her mouth are true. And to see such amazement at nature makes my heart melt.

As I starred in awe, I heard talking. There was "a man and his dog" out in the back country camping. He had a map (what a smart man!). We took a peek and found a trail that looped back down to where we had parked. YAY, a circle. I like loops. I don't mind the whole turn around hike, but loops are way more fun. We hopped, skipped and jumped through the mucky lake grass and found the trail. Down the switchbacks. Through rock fields. It was a blast! I didn't want to find the car. I was wishing we all had packs strapped to our backs and were out to explore for days. Until the blisters started forming. Ouch!

Everyone was fulfilled. Even the dog. I made it out without being attacked by a bear or cougar. (which i swear that's how's it's going down for me). The kids were dirty and happy. Jay tackled and won on a few boulders. It was time to head back home .
Look for us in the next Bob Ross painting you see!

Hey Kara, I have been reading your blog and I am stoked to see you and the fam enjoying life and loving your new home. It looks so beautiful. I grew up in N Cal on the western side and can relate to the hot days. I loved it, we were at the lake a lot or in a pool. Much love to you guy's. It's so crazy how big all our kids are. Denali's shoe size is bigger than mine and she is almost as tall(not that that is very hard). peace mama! love, dana
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