HELLO to all our friends and family! It's been way to long. We've been out of cell/internet range for some while now. It's a good thing, it means we've been out playing in the wilderness!
We've been lots of places since I last wrote. It's been over a month, WOW! When will I ever find the time to catch up.
We entered California in January. Our first stop was Joshua Tree National Park. We spent 10 days up there and had the time of our lives. We met great people to enjoy the land with us. Pot luck dinners, big fires, singing and rock climbing filled our days. Wildlife passed us by daily. We saw bobcats, coyotes, road runners, lizards, foxes and rattlesnakes.
We also visited family. We spent 2 weeks with Jason's brothers family outside of Riverside, CA and then a week with his sister in Carlsbad on the beach. Then it was time for The Families on the Road Rally in Newport Beach. We've been on the FOTR forum since we left our home in August. There were a total of 14 families gathering. That made it 40 kids!!!!! We had such a great time laughing and creating friendships that will certainly last a life line. After 4 fun filled days we decided to hit the road with 4 other families. We spent more time in Carlsbad and then headed over to Slab City just east of the Salton Sea. If you haven't heard of this place it's a must google search. If you've seen the movie Into the Wild, Salvation Mountain is in it and Leonard himself gave us a tour. Since we were becoming sloths out in the 94 degree desert heat it was time to head back up to.....Joshua Tree. We hadn't had our fill yet and our climbing hands were starting to soften so it was no question to us that we needed back up on the rock. Our friends from our first visit were still up there and we fell right back into step. 2 weeks went by too quickly. We said goodbye yesterday and are now 3 hours north in Ridgecrest. We were invited up here to climb some unknown boulders. A book is being written about this new climbing area and hopefully some pictures of us will make it into the book. We'll let you know.
After a week here it looks like we might head up to Bishop, CA just east of Yosemite and near Mammoth Lakes. We keep hearing of this town and feel like we'd be missing out if we don't check it out ourselves. Then down to the Las Vegas area to climb with some friends in Red Rocks. After that it looks like we'll be heading east towards Colorado with a pitstop in Zion.
I hope to have some decent internet and TIME to post pictures soon of our month.
We hope everyone is well and getting a small taste of spring. The wildflowers here are just starting to pop open. I'm sure I'll have plenty of picture of those too.
Wish we made it to J-Tree with you. We are in Salt Lake helping some friends convert their new Skoolie. We will be heading back into Cali in a week or two. We are hoping to paint our Skoolie this week. It'll be weird not having the white prison bus look. We hung out with Eddie and Gayle the other day as they passed through Salt Lake it was great to see thwm before they head to NY. Be safe and hope to hook up again.
Nice re-cap! :) It's so hard to get all the details in...ah well, such is life when your living such a RICH one! Hope you're all well and happy!
Hey, sounds like you guys are having fun. Sure wished we could have hung out longer. Turns out I tore my achilles tendon so needed surgery on return to abbotsford. On the mend now, should be back on the rock soon. Take care, keep in touch.
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